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What's new in Vikunja 0.24.0


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
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Long time no see!

This release features a whopping 925 commits in almost 5 months. We have many new features and improvements, let's dive right in!

New Views Functionality #

Vikunja let you view your tasks in list, gantt, table and kanban views for a while now. With this release, views became way more flexible!

The new views system allows you to customize how you see your tasks in each project. You can now create multiple views per project, each with its own layout (like list, table, gantt or kanban) and filters. This means you can have different perspectives on the same set of tasks, tailored to different workflows or team members' needs.

And you can now have a kanban board on a saved filter, independent of the other configuration.

A project management interface titled "new test project". It has a navigation bar with options like Kanban, List (currently selected), Table, and others. Below is an "Add a task..." input field.

Improved Filters #

The filter system got a major upgrade with a new query-based approach. You can now create more complex and precise filters using a simple query language. Thanks to autocomplete, you can easily construct these queries, suggesting project names, labels, and usernames as you type.

A filter interface showing a query input box with the text "done = true && doneAt < now/w". Below is a checkbox option to "Include Tasks which don't have a value set" and a blue text link asking "How does this work?"

Check out the docs to learn all about this new syntax.

Emoji Reactions #

You can now react to tasks and comments with emojis, similar to many modern communication platforms. This provides a quick and fun way to acknowledge or respond to information without needing to write a full comment.

A fire emoji reaction to a comment

Automatically create teams from openid claims #

The OpenID integration now supports assigning users to teams based on claims provided by the identity provider. This means you can automatically place users into the correct teams based on their roles or attributes in your organization's identity system, saving time on manual user management.

Thanks to viehlieb and waza-ari for building and improving this feature!

New UI languages #

The Vikunja web UI is now available in Portuguese Brazilian, Croatian and Ukrainian languages. Thanks to lelemm, Blooshie and it.n for starting the effort.

Want to add your language as well? Check out the translation docs to learn more!

Docker image now uses scratch as base #

The docker image now uses the scratch image as base image, which greatly reduces the attack surface of third-party libraries in the container. It also means there is no shell in the container, keep that in mind when debugging.

Due to the lack of a shell in the container, we no longer support changing the uid and gid Vikunja runs as via PUID and PGID environment variables. The container runs as the user 1000 and no group by default. You can use Docker's --user flag to change the user Vikunja runs as. If you've changed this via environment variables in the past, you need to adjust your config accordingly.

Breaking changes #

Due to the way the views were changed, we had to do a few breaking changes:

  • Kanban buckets now belong to a project view instead of directly to a project.
  • New endpoint to change a task's position in a view. The position now depends on the context (the view) of the task. As a result, the position and kanban_position task attributes are no longer available.
  • New endpoint to move a task between buckets. Passing a bucket_id when updating the task will not have an effect anymore, you'll need to use the new dedicated endpoint for that.
  • If you shared a project via a link share and specified a view with the link, you'll need to update the link to point to the view.

Fixes & Improvements #

  • Lots of bug fixes across filters, views, tasks, and more
  • All usable api routes behind authentication can now be used with an api token.
  • Performance improvements for fetching projects and subscriptions
  • The migration from Todoist and Trello was improved quite a bit
  • Better error handling and logging
  • Tons of small tweaks to make things work smoother

New website #

You may have noticed it by now, but the website you're on right now got an overhaul as well. We've slightly updated the design, brought the features page back and improved the structure.

Closing #

If you have any questions about this release, please reach out either in the community forum, Twitter / X, Mastodon or via email.